Life in Motion Chiropractic Center
Whenever anyone, anywhere interviews or even just speaks with someone in their 90s, age 100, or beyond who is living a […]
2025 is here. While life as most of us know it continues to be fast-paced, each passing year seems to double down on the […]
Today everyone, everywhere is obsessed with longevity. Billionaires and biotech pioneers alike are racing to create […]
Most Americans are unaware that over the past century, a battle over the healthcare of the population has been waged on […]
No doubt about it, sardines often get a bad rap. Many people think small, smelly, and generally unappetizing when they […]
As December and it’s festivities wind down, many of us will take the time to look ahead to the new year. But before it […]
As we age, society often sends subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) messages about what is “appropriate” for certain […]
The phrase is “avoidable mortality,” and it refers to deaths that could have been prevented. For you and me it […]
Being a parent has never been an easy job. Filled with life’s greatest joys, it is also filled with life’s greatest […]
We all know that being fit is important for every stage of life. Whether you swim, walk, play pickleball, or garden, […]
Stress levels are at an all-time high today which can lower life expectancy and lead to preventable sickness and […]
A New House of Healing. Medicine, for centuries, has delved deep into the cellular realm to decode the mysteries of […]
As the vibrant greens of summer slowly give way to the rich, warm hues of autumn, the world around us begins to change. […]
The world is witnessing a revolution. As life expectancy increases and birth rates decline, a significant shift is […]
Regardless of your current age, you’ve lived long enough to know that each passing year offers the opportunity to […]
At Life in Motion Chiropractic Center, we combine state-of-the-art chiropractic techniques with the principles of The 100 Year Lifestyle to help people heal quickly and function at their highest level for a lifetime. We provide primary chiropractic care for our Canonsburg, PA and surrounding communities while also attracting people from all over. We look forward to working with you and your family to help you reach your health goals.
Canonsburg, PA 15317
(724) 745-1533
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